OK, much thought has been going into the new UNO Start. Please understand that UNO Start is not a program that is outside of BBS... it is created and owned by BBS.
UNO Start is a small feeder program for BBS, and it's like we have a second chance at building our matrix. I'm very excited about it. You know, we did things originally in a way which we believed would benefit everyone, but it wasn't to be.
We are so aware of the folk that are caught up on the bottom of the matrix, holding their hand up and crying "help!". We believe that if we go about UNO Start in the right fashion, we will be able to help everyone.
UNO Start feeds BBS, so new people are needed and wanted, but with what we have planned I think this is going to fly! What we need is momentum... not stagnation.
I want to thank Philip Beaton from Denmark for putting his head into gear and sharing his thoughts and secrets with me :-) He tells me he's been thinking hard on these things for years... on how to do it to benefit everyone!
Now, what I'm sharing with you now is not set in concrete, but I'd like to give you a pretty good idea on some of the things we intend to do.
#1 At the very top of the UNO matrix we will take out 4 positions and call them "Team". They will be owned and operated for and on behalf of the team.
#2 Immediately beneath there (on the row of 9) we will place 9 members. These will be members who will give it their absolute best shot at building. Members who can sponsor. Members who are not afraid to go "gung-ho"! This will benefit everyone.
#3 Although we have asked you to consider 4 packs (which is a great idea if you can), we are planning to spread those 4 positions around in the matrix, once again to benefit everyone. So, instead of the extra 3 positions coming in under yourself, they will fall under other members. Everyone will do this. Great for everyone!
#4 Then under the row of 9 we will file everyone else in, one position at a time. If, for example, we had 20 members buying a 4 pack each, we would enter each one's first position in 1 - 20, and then come in again with the 1st member at #21 etc. Ofcourse, we are believing for a great many more than 20, but just using this as an idea to explain.
#5. Now, as each TEAM position fills it's little matrix, more TEAM positions will be bought within the matrix from the monies earned. Also, each position automatically receives a re-entry as well.
#6 We will receive a list of people who are willing to PIF for others. At the same time, we will compile a list of folk who wish to be PIF into the team. These members, that you pay for, will be placed under YOU. Can you imagine what the situation would be if you paid for one new member per month... and everyone did the same? Whoosh!
So, all in all, we are doing combined TEAM building strategies, with individual strategies. Everyone you introduce will come in under you... so it's not TEAM build in that sense. But, we have TEAM business centres working on behalf of everyone... creating more TEAM business centres...etc etc etc.
This is what I need from you:
a) Do you wish to be one of the members placed on the row of 9? Can you get out there and promote this "big time"? Let me know why we should consider you for one of these positions.
b) Continue to send in your desire for 1,2, or 4 packs. You can have 3 if you want. You can have as many as you like. Maybe you would like to buy an extra position each month. These are just thoughts... and as I said, nothing is set in concrete at this stage. But let me know please.
c) Do you wish to PIF for others? Let me know.
d) Do you wish to be on our PIF list, so that another member will pay your way in? Let me know.
Now, on top of all this, I will still be buying extra positions under the TEAM as I don't wish to take advantage of being the Sponsor of most of you. So, between me and the TEAM business centres, there should be a lot of action happening.
Are you going to be part of this with us and help us to create a crazy momentum that will benefit all? I do hope so. Every one of you. There's enough of us to make this thing really fly, but only if you are willing to join us. Let me know... do I have your support?
Warm regards