Support Positions helping the matrix
Well, we were only one week late from the suggested timing! Last night I spent 3 hours with Mike as we organised almost 50 Support Level positions into the matrix.
Who got 'em? Well, I guess you need to go look to find out if it was you! They fell, where they fell.
Where do they come from? Mike has come up with a great idea. First he created 3 DES (DE Support) positions at the top of my matrix. Then, whatever is generated by those positions is then fed back into my matrix as further Support Positions, which in turn supports the members of the matrix. The more the top positions earn, the more DES's will be turned back into the matrix.
Some members received 3, others 2 and some 1. The Support Positions will work in exactly the same way as a real member does... paying $20 per month and generating income throughout the matrix.
This is really super exciting. Congratulations to all of you that received them... I wish so much it could have been everyone.
I want you to know that in some ways this was a backwards step for me (to begin with), but it means I'm now in a position to sew into the matrix more than ever before.
This deal is open to anyone that has 20 members in their group or more.
I believe that BBS is just about to take off. The last number of months has been slow, and I know a lot have given up... that's so sad when they go just before the big rise takes place. 45 - 50 positions have just spilled over into the matrix.
Just a mindset
As I said in my last blog... it's just a mindset. Sometimes a member will write to me and say "I just can't do it"... well you know what... so be it! You get what you believe. If you really believe you can't do it, and we can't change your mind, best off that you don't continue. No-one said it was easy, but with focused attention you will soon have your three.
Remember... if they came and took your kids example??? Yeah, you would soon do it. We can do anything we really want to do.
New updated C & P Centre
I have a new Communication and Promotions Centre with a lot more there for your easy of finding your way around... just go to http://www.madeinfreedom.com/dontworry/c&p.htm . Now, a word or warning... it has come to my attention that when viewed in FF it's all distorted... what a bummer! But, if you view it in IE it's fine. I've tested and tested it, and had others test it also. I wish I could understand how to fix the FF problem... I run into it a fair bit, but so far no-one has been able to tell me what to do. Anyone who knows, please share.... :-)
My thanks go to Ed Askmo, who originally come up with the idea; John Walsh, who took it and run with it, before I put together this model. The old model is still available also which is in a pdf format. It can be found at http://madeinfreedom.com/PDF.pdf . Use whichever suits you... but thing is, get used to using it as you will find it makes everything so much easier.
New Website
OK... it's my intention to have the new website out tomorrow. I will write a special blog about that. I will need to get information from you so that I can quickly make up one for each individual that asks for one. I will not make them for everyone, only those that request one.
Uno Start coming
This will greatly enhance our building efforts, and what I find so great is that there is nothing new to learn. We will be doing exactly the same thing except offering it for just $11 once instead of $20 per month. No confusion. What a boost this will be.
I'm thinking of doing something with this to give us a good headstart... but more on that soon.
That's enough!
Warm regards
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