Training Times Have Changed
Owing to North America going off Daylight Savings Time, I've had to change our times here to try to find the best time for everyone. Gosh, I hope I've got it right :-) Come along and join in the fun, training, questions and latest updates. The timer is on the countdown.......
6pm PST - 9pm EST USA
2am - GMT
1pm (Australian EDT)
5am- 8am EST (USA)
10am GMT
9pm (Australian EDT)
Please join the Forum
Juan has done a beautiful job setting up the Forum... please trot along and register... introduce yourself, and become part of the Family. Get there via the C & P Centre.
Communications and Promotions Centre (C & P Centre)
Only launched yesterday, but I keep thinking of more buttons to add to it. Gradually it will become known to you as "the place to go" to link to whatever you need in our business. The only way the new buttons will show up is when you download the latest version... so don't forget to do that. http://madeinfreedom.com/PDF.pdf
Traffic Exchanges
It came to our attention that TS25 will not accept the teambbs.info website. This is because it's a .info, which for some reason they don't like. So, if you have already gone ahead and got credits in there, don't fret, because we will be able to add other sites in there. To get the latest TE's just click on the link on the C & P Centre... you will go straight there.
New Website Finished
The new website we've been working on is finished. Now it's just a matter of setting up the teams... a bit of admin work to do, that's all. This website will be like the base for all we do as it's very comprehensive, although done in a fairly simple fashion so there's not too much information overload. Just a little info on each thing such as MM and MD etc.
Promised BBS Spillover/Support
BBS promised right from the beginning that they would be working up to adding 3,000 new positions into the matrix per month at a cost of up to $51,000. Ofcourse, much growth had to happen to allow this to take place.
Mike has come up with a way he is helping any team that has 50 or more in it. It's brilliant. By the weekend, many of you will see Support Level positions come in under you. These will continue to pay month in and month out. These will fall, where they fall...
I think that's all I had to tell you today. Be encouraged, there is so much happening and gradually it will all come to the light of day!
Warm regards
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