OK, today is the day! We are rolling out the new website.
Just click through this splash page to the main website:
This is the information I need to have:
First and Last name
Phone (international)
Your photo - just send me a piccy of you
Your BBS id# - such as http://www.bbsglobal-diamond-elite.com/?aff=ca4e2309
You can leave blank any of the messengers you don't have, but I would definitely recommend you have at least one... ie... one that you have turned on so people can contact you :-)
Now, if you would like your own individual Splash Page, you can choose your own fully personalised one. Go to the Clubhouse and choose which header you would like... out of a choice of 60!
Then you can choose from the Titles, and text supplied... or write your own. Keep it short, sharp and snappy.
To get the idea of how your page will look, and enable you to change whatever you don't like, download the wizard at http://marilyn-williams.com//splashy/transformer2.exe . This will enable you to look at the finished product and allow you to chop and change whatever you think. (You won't need to save it unless you are actually making the page to host yourself.)
All this is very simple to do, so don't panic about it. Or, you can simply choose the text and titles as they are written and give them to me.
Send me this information and I'll make up the pages, and host them for you. I'm choosing to do this free of charge at this time.
If you have your own means of hosting etc, then feel free to make up your own by using the wizard above, saving to your hard-drive and then hosting to your server.
Changes will continue to happen to the website as new ideas come to my head. Once UNO Start begins we will need to have it added in. It will keep evolving. But, once I give you a link it's not expected to change, so you won't have to worry about changing it everywhere in your advertising. I'm trying to keep everything tidy and in order.
OK, I look forward to receiving your info so I can quickly make up the pages for you, and then you can get them out there working for you.
Warm regards
PS... I don't know why that link for the c&p centre didn't work last time... so strange... I suggest you try this link... just remember what I said that it may not show correctly in FF.
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