Saturday, September 27, 2008

Will You Put Your Hand In? Can We Rely on You?

As you know, our new Promotion went out yesterday... and ofcourse as usual, confusion arose.

This is ok... never mind. It's up to me to clearly portray exactly what we are doing. I knew yesterday that I'd be writing again today :-)

OK, I want you to understand a few things:

Q1. Is this a new matrix, or not?
We are building this teambuild4dummies under our current matrix. All will benefit.

Q2. How will I Benefit?
Everyone in the current matrix, that doesn't have any members under them at the moment, will receive 3 new members. For this they will be paid $51, as well as residuals each month. That is 3 x $17 as a Fast Start Bonus. If you need 2, you will receive 2 x $17; and if you need 1 you will receive 1 x $17. This is because unlike last time where most everyone was put through my url, this time they will be put through your url.

(BTW... don't be mislead into thinking I made an absolute fortune out of what I did last time... so untrue... I made nothing out of the FSB. I turned every cent back into the matrix . In fact, it cost me heaps... but I'm not complaining... my eyes are firmly on the end result!)

Q3. Do I need to do anything?
YES!!!! We NEED each person within the current matrix to be promoting the new teambuild4dummies webpage. Yes, that means even YOU! It's the same link for everyone. It's a complete team build... one for all, and all for one. Please DO NOT let us down. We are relying on YOU.

Q4. What is the link I need to promote?
I have two matrices going, so there are two links. is the link for everyone within the Suzanna,Lucki/Peter team build. is the link for the other guys... you know who you are!

Q5. How does this work?
Imagine if 50 of us were promoting the same page, then 100, 300, 450... then 550, 850... then 1050! This is where the power is. We can do this... together!

Q6. If I'm in the current matrix, should I let my position go and join up again?
The answer is NO.

Q7. May I have more than one position?
YES, you may request another position in teambuild4dummies.

Q8. Have I let go the "Stress Free" method?
Absolutely not! I believe it's more important now than ever! This way, you are building a strength into your team, while the teambuild4dummies is happening also. The best of both worlds. You will cover your costs and get into profit much faster. You need to do both. It's not confusing, it's really simple.

Q9. But I don't understand the "Stress Free" method?
Please spend a bit of time studying both methods. Gather together your questions and come to my training.

Q10. Training? When? Where?
In the BBS Conference Rooms ofcoure!
Please download the conference room in plenty of time before the meeting.
Wednesday 6pm PST - 9pm EST USA
Thursday 11am (Australian EST)
Thursday 12 noon GMT
Thursday 9pm (Australian EST)
This will be friendly and informal. A real good chance to get your questions answered.
Hope some of your questions have been answered here.
Warm regards

Friday, September 26, 2008

Today Marks the Beginning of our Brand New Promotion!

Compression Has Taken Place

Well, It's happened! While I was away in the land of nod, the compression finally took place.

It was held up a few more hours at the end as Mike was trying to help all those last members get into paid position. I told him today that he amazes me... never has a man done more to help members who were running around at the very last minute organising their payments.

All Deletions Are Now Automatic

I need you all to know that from this day on All Deletions Will Be Automatic when any membership is 5 days overdue. Not Mike, not anybody can help you now, because it's imbedded into the system. Please, please, please make sure your subscriptions are up to date. There were members that had quite reasonable sized downlines that are now gone with the wind, simply because they had no funds in their PIG accounts. Members who were very much in profit.

Brand New Promotion

But today marks the start of a brand new promotion! We have been waiting for compression to take place before we launched this.

You may go and look now at . Please read it carefully. As I said in the email, this is most probably what we should have done right from the start... but hey, none of us had thought of it.

We are going to build this so that it builds directly under the current matrix as it stands. We will simply fill in the gaps and keep building.

We encourage everybody that would like to be included in it, to respond as quickly as you possibly can. If you fell out of the matrix, this is your chance to come in again, costing you no money at all until the matrix is completely filled. You are being offered the very first positions, some of which are high up... first in, best dressed. Don't delay.

The same principle we are building on now will keep the matrix growing... and growing.
Warm regards

Saturday, September 20, 2008

New Splash Pages... and Compression

Howdy everyone,

Now's the time to rush and get yourself paid up. Compression will take place this Monday coming. This came from Steen (manager) and he got it directly from Mike (owner), so I feel pretty safe in saying this.

Anyone who is in red, and their PIG account is not funded, will be gone. We will be very sorry to see you go, but I believe this company has bent over backwards to make every opportunity for members to be in a funded position.

Credit Cards.
Everyone was given this past week to get their credit cards organised. If through reading this you still need to organise your cc, register a support ticket so that you are held in the system... then get busy and organise the cc.

Come back in.
I'd like to offer you an invitation: If you are two months in an unpaid state, and don't wish to fork out the $40 to bring you up to scratch... let that position go! Then come back in within a "Stress Free" team! Let me know! We will get you joined up in an active team. No, we are not benefactoring, but if you spend a few minutes reading up on how it works you will quickly see the benefits. But please, don't do this unless you are willing to work together with the team, to do your little bit... thanks.

New Splash Pages.
Finally I've got the new Splash and Main pages completed, so they are ready to go. If you have already got the old one out there, you can update simply by downloading the latest wizard. Just go to the Clubhouse, download, input your info, upload to the Internet and you are away. This will not affect any advertising out there unless you are saying you will benefactor new members in. These pages do not say that. They are more straight forward... no flipping $17 up or downline... it's just the way the company designed it... the sponsor will always receive the $17.

But, the new pages do reflect the "Stress Free" method.

I'm finding that the strongest teams within our group are building the "Stress Free" way.

What we have lacked though is some good pages to advertise. There is much more coming about this... so keep your ear to the ground!

Line up in teams and get serious.
Once compression has taken place we will all be able to see our new uplines and downlines. What we need to do at that point is contact them. Full instructions at the Clubhouse on how to do that. The strong teams are all in contact with one another.

Training in the Conference Room.
This week I'm hoping to start training in my own conference room. My first subject is going to be on talking over and explaining the "Stress Free" method of building. I will let you know when it's going to be. I'm thinking of next Thursday for the Australian folks, and Wednesday for USA. but need to confirm this. Ofcourse, this is one and the same day... oh my, it can be confusing! Never mind, I'll make sure it's not confusing when I send it out to you.

That's all folks!

Warm regards

The Clubhouse

Tuesday, September 16, 2008



1. Join the Google Group please.
Please go to and join up right now! Only 14 members so far, and that's not good for communication. Feel free to participate, but please keep any negativity out. It's for building one another up, not for tearing down.

2. My Talk with Mike (owner) and Steen (manager)

Yesterday, I had a lengthy talk with the management of BBS.

a) Now that the credit cards are in place, they can move onto the next most important jobs to be done. One is the long awaited compression. This cannot happen soon enough in my opinion, as we really need the reds removed so we can get on with our business of building a very strong business.

b) The products are now being prepared for uploading. They will uploaded as soon as they have "x" amount done, and from that point it will be a work in progress... never ending by the sound of it! Yes, there will be a complete library of countless ebooks, all under their various subject headings, from fishing to furnishings and everything in between. All these will be free for us and covered with our $20 month subscription. Non members will be able to purchase them. To give you an idea of what we are really talking about... there is another company that provides much the same sort of thing that BBS is doing now... they charge between $900 to $4,000 for a lifetime membership!!!

So, what do we have now? Hot Conference rooms - normally $49.95 per month. Professional Trainers on almost every day of the week for our world wide audience. An amazing ebook library containing countless business building principles, through to relaxation and fun things to do. All this
, together with the opportunity to make money also!........ $20 per month.

c) This is just the beginning. There is so much more coming. Each new thing will be added in one at a time until we have an incredible website full of all sorts of goodies, containing everything any marketer could ever desire.

BTW... People have asked me what BBS stands for. It stands for Best Buyers & Services.

3. I want your FEEDBACK of interest
I am very serious about this business. I am totally committed to it, but not me alone. There are many of us that really are very serious also. I do what I can. I put forward the ideas, tools and plans as best I can... but what I really want, is some more "heads"! Yes, I'm a team player. I love to discuss things with others. Actually, I really believe that the only way any of us can succeed in this business, or in any other, is to work together as a TEAM.

We need YOUR input. What sort of talents do you have? What do you have that you could give to the TEAM? Is there anyone out there that's good at making videos? Anyone good at SEO? What about blogging? or working the Social Networks? Anyone good at putting together emails? or writing reports? or willing to help man a support conference room? or... or... or... or....??? Anything? Maybe you have "time" you can offer... for something! Maybe you have an idea buzzing around in your head... tell me please!!!

Please get back to me at with your offer of help. Tell me what you would be willing to do. We all want to jump ahead in leaps and bounds... so let's put our heads together... and think!

At this stage, all we are doing is gather information so we can see where it leads us.

Maybe we need a name that describes who we are and what we're doing. A team name. A crazy, catchy name... something extraordinary. Who's got an idea???? A name we could build everything we do around.... Hey, with a bit of thought, we could become the talk of the Internet :-)

Let's be BOLD and think outside the square. One of our members is preparing a forum right now that we can use for discussion. Anything I receive of interest meanwhile, I will see is added into the forum for all to see and discuss.

Warm regards

Friday, September 12, 2008

A Bit Of Everything

Hi Team Mates,

See above, that's Stress Free Building!

It appears I didn't give a link to the 6 lessons I've created to get a member off to a good start. You will find them at the Clubhouse, but this is the direct link. I believe you will find them very informative and helpful, and I recommend everyone go take a look and work through them one by one.

New Splash Page
Because I am no longer recommending the Benefactoring method of building your business (this doesn't mean to say you can't do it, just that I'm no longer recommending it), I need to change the Splash and Main Page to reflect this. I've been working on them yesterday and today... not quite happy yet, but will try to get it right before I release it.

Stress Free Building is still the same...
The method is still the same except for one main thing... instead of each member being asked to pay for the next member to come in, we are asking each member to pay their own way in. I still recommend working together in teams and sharing your members.

Incentive for Longevity
Carl is doing it in a bit of a different way in that he is giving them an incentive. If they pay 3 months = they get $10 towards their 4th month; 6 months = $20 for their 7th month; or 12 months in advance = they will receive another $20 for their 14th month.
I believe the company is bringing out a similar incentive within a couple of weeks, so I'm thinking we might wait and see what they offer before we jump headlong in.

We will be able to see in our genealogy exactly who has paid what, so will be interesting.
I think it will give members a more solid foundation to build their business on. Carl started advertising a few days ago and has at least 12 to 15 new members who have paid 3, 6 or 12 months in advance.

Free Hosting Service & Cheap Domain Name
One of our members has given me the link to Free Hosting. It doesn't contain any advertising on it and looks to be quite serious. He has been using the company for two years with no problems whatsoever, and he's a serious marketer.

Also, he's given me a link to where you can purchase Domain Names for just $3.99.

I'm thinking, we can use this as an added incentive for new members. We can give them the Splash Pages for free, Hosting for free, and a $3.99 Domain name! I will try to work this into the new Pages I'm making.

Credit Cards to pay your Subscription
According to the Training Call today, Credit Cards will be fully installed within PIG as of Friday/Saturday this week. A lot of people experience frustration when using Alertpay or Solid Trust Pay... or they don't have an account with them, or other reasons. It is hoped that when the Credit Cards are in properly many more people will see their way to stay in the company.

Training Calls & Lessons
I can't say how important and informative these Training Calls are. I have many members that complain they don't know how to advertise, or where to go etc, and yet these training calls are dripping with all that information.

BBS is about Education and Training. Listen to this Audio, it may help you to understand what we are about.

Really, there is no excuse, what with the many trainings happening on a daily basis within BBS, and the new Step by Step lessons I've created. The lessons will continue to grow as I've much more to share yet.

So you say you are a Passive Member...
OK guys, we are going to be addressing this. I believe you need to know that we are working very hard and want to see all members happy and contented. Something good is just around the corner... stick with us.
I made the statement that compression was going to happen a week or so ago. In future, I will be more careful to make sure that the information I'm told is really correct. I'll have to check with Mike first. They are waiting until the credit card is in place... this got help up but is almost there as stated above.

The company is giving everyone every chance to make sure they have the opportunity to pay... then it will happen. It's at the stage now that I'll be happy to see the reds removed so the rest of us can get down to the serious business of making money.

I look forward to seeing those that are committed. We will pull out every stop then! These people will form the foundation of a very large business, and as for me and my dog... we wouldn't leave for anything right now... not when we're sitting of the verge of something so huge!
There is a new Viral Advertising Site just started today. I would say anyone in on this now will stand a very good chance of getting a lot of free advertising. There is a one time payment... check out the Clubhouse website.
Google Group
We have started a new group called CountMeInPlease. Please join. We want all the members to participate in it. We are always looking for better methods of communication that we can all participate in, with email being such a pain these days. You should all be receiving an invite to the group, and anyway, you can join at the Clubhouse.
Warm regards

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Thief Caught Out!

What we don't need is thieves in our midst!
One of our members (I'll call him John) was benefactoring a new member in (I'll call him Jack). He had transferred funds into Jack's PIG account.

As it turned out, John was experiencing some trouble with the sign up process... it doesn't matter what, and I'll not go into it.

Jack, because he wasn't signed up quickly, decided that he might be better off with the $20. So, he changed his password and made a withdrawal from PIG to Solid Trust Pay.
Ha! Ha! What Jack didn't know, was the "hawks-eyes" (that's Mike Dutton - the owner of the company) checks all the withdrawals before he approves them!

John had written that the funds were to join Jack into the business. Mike saw this and thought to himself... hmmm, something funny going on here!

At the same time as he was looking at it, it just turned out that I decided to ring Mike to alert him to the fact that I believed Jack was doing a runner with the money. Confirmed!
So Mike was able to cancel the transaction and send the funds back into John's account.
It was wonderful. I really felt like we had someone looking after us... that even $20 could not be stolen from us. Thanks Mike!
BUT... I decided at that moment, NO MORE! Nope, that is the end of all benefactoring. (BenClub members, hold on in there... I will talk to you separately). I will not longer be putting out pages or training that suggests it's the way to do business. No, from now on, everyone that comes in will have to pay for themselves.
I will not put our members at risk of losing their money when they give it in good faith. Yes, it was found this time, but the process might be automated soon so what happens then? No, no, no.

Alright, so it's going to cost a new member $20 for the first month, but as they add members they will make $17 on each one. Not such a bad deal hey!
I still wish to run the "Stress Free" method, but will be changing it to reflect what I'm saying here.
John didn't need a thief in his business, and we don't want him neither... or any other potential scoundral.
Anyway, on a different note! Who wants lessons? Step by step lessons on BBS? I've created them, or at least I've done 5 so far. Go check them out.

Warm regards

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Powerful and Exciting Method of Building

First - Let's cover your Monthly Fee
I want to show you how to get the monthly fee of $20 covered quickly... with a little effort from each person.

The "Stress Free" method for a Building with a Firm Foundation
You know how I've been speaking so much about the "Stress Free" method of building? Well, I've got members that have it up and running, and there's much excitement in the camp!

So, what I'm suggesting for the members who are thinking of allowing their membership to elapse, is this...

Let's forget about your current membership!
What if I said... yes, let your membership go! Forget it! Especially as some of you now owe for 2 months.... yep, forget it ever existed!

Come back in again...
But......................... how about coming back in again on one of our mini power lines that are using the "Stress Free" method?

This is what is expected of each member:

1. Each member is benefactored in (let's call him Tom).

2. Tom then funds his PIG account with $23 minimum.

3. Tom will then benefactor the next person to come in, no matter which team member finds him/her (let's say it's Sue). This will cost Tom $20, but he receives $17 back after 7 days, which he adds to the $3 remaining in his PIG account, and pays his next month's subscription.

4. Sue then does the same as what Tom did, and pays for the next person.

5. Each member of the team puts some effort into helping the team of up to 6, find the next new member. They all do it together. All members of the team are in communication together.

6. Each member is only out of pocket $3 with a downline of up to 6 members.

7. All members receive help with promotions, with their url on a rotator, and other members advertising for them.

Money begins to be made, as each person begins to fill out the matrix, by starting another line costing the same ($3).

Check my Website
For further information on how it works go to

No more being stuck!
So, no more being stuck in the situation where you have no-one under you.

Living, Moving, Mini Powerlines
This is a much healthier situation and we already have members that are joining these mini power lines, leaving their old "dead feeling" positions behind, and joining in the "living, moving mini powerlines".

If you are interested in this, please send an email to giving me your full name and your PIG details (user and p/w). Just write in the Subject Line of the email : "Stress Free".

This is for members that are staying with us:

I want to create a Mini Power Line
If you are interested in starting, or being a part of, the "Stress Free" method, (according to the conditions above) and would like to benefactor a new member (or maybe an old member), please send me an email with your full name and write "Yes, I want to be in a Mini Power Line" in the Subject Line.

(There is no need to do anything here except let me know you want to be involved in a PowerLine... you DO NOT need to join again.)

NB... Any member that is letting go a position, and wanting to come back in the "Stress Free" way, will be placed under their original line of sponsorship, providing the original member shows interest in working together with them. This will be ascertained prior to joining.

I'm just gathering interested member's names at the moment
I will gather interested member's names, both those that wish to benefactor, and those that wish to be benefactored back in again.

We will create countless mini power lines all over the matrix. Every spot will be living, breathing and very much alive.

Are you interested?
Are you prepared to pay for one new member?
Are you prepared to be in contact with both up and downlines to work together as a team?
Then this is for you. It's extremely powerful.

Respond NOW as Friday (compression) is coming up quickly!

Warm regards

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hey guys, listen up!

I've just had an official announcement about when the compression will take place. September 5th (USA time)

If you are not in paid status by then, our programmer will give a simple command to the matrix and all "reds" will be gone.

If you are still trying to get into paid status but having trouble of some kind, please lodge a support ticket NOW! Anyone with a support ticket in will be saved as their position will be flagged and therefore cannot be removed.

From this point on, there will only be 3 days grace. Your monthly fees are due every 30 days so please be aware of this and make sure your PIG is funded.

But, the good news is... we will be able to settle down and really get serious in building our business and making money.

Everyone who remains will form the basis of our company matrix and will be set to make some very good, solid money within the next 6 - 12 months... wow, who wouldn't pay $20 a month to get a good portion of that!

Our "Stress Free" method of building ensures that everyone gets their monthly fees covered quickly and can get on with the more exciting stuff of actually making money.

The company is bringing out a very exciting incentive for us which will provide some excellent savings regarding our monthly fees... so watch out for that.

Thanks to everyone that took the time to respond to my survey. I'm very serious about being here to help people but I need to learn some things. I will be responding to each and every one I receive.

We're excited... We just keep getting more excited. Actually, there has been some tough lessons learned along the way, but we really are very serious about leading you guys into a good income. We're working very hard to that end, and all we need is some time, some responses (surveys) from you, and a truck load of understanding and patience.

Talk to you again soon,

Monday, September 1, 2008

Fill out My Survey Please

Hi guys,

I'm sorry if there were people waiting on me to answer emails or whatever, but I crashed yesterday... yep, didn't even turn on the beasty. I'm actually trying to pace myself a little more - it's only being sensible.

Fill out my Survey and receive a Free Gift
Today I have a Survey for you. It's only small and I would really appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to fill it out for me. I need this info so that I can better work with you.
Anyone who fills out the Survey will receive one of my nice new tools Ed has created... it's a Promotional Tool designed to help you in your promotions. This is just our first free release and we will be adding more to it all the time.
Splash Pages
There seems to have been a bit of a problem with some of the Splash Pages. I'm not sure if you experienced a problem or not, but what I would recommend you do is to download the transformers again and simply remake them. It will only take you a few minutes, and it will ensure that the very latest version is being advertised. This will not affect your advertising of the page as ofcourse you would maintain the same url that you are currently using.

Teams of 6
Gradually more and more are teaming up. This is a very powerful way to build the business.
I was talking with a lady only today, and she told me she wanted to join but would be away for 3 months. The question was, will I join now, or will I leave it till I come back? I was able to tell her to join now. She was willing to fund the PIG with $43. I told her that someone would pay her way in, so her first month would be free. Then I explained that I would use $20 of that $43 to pay for someone else to come in under her, and that she would receive $17 back. Now there would be enough in her PIG to pay for the next 2 months (not including any commissions).

Now, what I will do, is place her under a team of members that I know are working. There are some team members that are relating to me and busily forming teams up and downline. That's exactly where I'll place her as I know she will be looked after.
By the time she comes back, there will be a team of members under her, because the other team members will make sure of that :-)
Please pay a visit... I'm adding stuff all the time. I have members asking me things that are all documented on the website. Please go there first, and then contact me if you still have questions... or to discuss strategies.
And... please don't forget the Survey.