Howdy everyone,
Now's the time to rush and get yourself paid up. Compression will take place this Monday coming. This came from Steen (manager) and he got it directly from Mike (owner), so I feel pretty safe in saying this.
Anyone who is in red, and their PIG account is not funded, will be gone. We will be very sorry to see you go, but I believe this company has bent over backwards to make every opportunity for members to be in a funded position.
Credit Cards.
Everyone was given this past week to get their credit cards organised. If through reading this you still need to organise your cc, register a support ticket so that you are held in the system... then get busy and organise the cc.
Come back in.
I'd like to offer you an invitation: If you are two months in an unpaid state, and don't wish to fork out the $40 to bring you up to scratch... let that position go! Then come back in within a "Stress Free" team! Let me know! We will get you joined up in an active team. No, we are not benefactoring, but if you spend a few minutes reading up on how it works you will quickly see the benefits. But please, don't do this unless you are willing to work together with the team, to do your little bit... thanks.
New Splash Pages.
Finally I've got the new Splash and Main pages completed, so they are ready to go. If you have already got the old one out there, you can update simply by downloading the latest wizard. Just go to the Clubhouse, download, input your info, upload to the Internet and you are away. This will not affect any advertising out there unless you are saying you will benefactor new members in. These pages do not say that. They are more straight forward... no flipping $17 up or downline... it's just the way the company designed it... the sponsor will always receive the $17.
But, the new pages do reflect the "Stress Free" method.
I'm finding that the strongest teams within our group are building the "Stress Free" way.
What we have lacked though is some good pages to advertise. There is much more coming about this... so keep your ear to the ground!
Line up in teams and get serious.
Once compression has taken place we will all be able to see our new uplines and downlines. What we need to do at that point is contact them. Full instructions at the Clubhouse on how to do that. The strong teams are all in contact with one another.
Training in the Conference Room.
This week I'm hoping to start training in my own conference room. My first subject is going to be on talking over and explaining the "Stress Free" method of building. I will let you know when it's going to be. I'm thinking of next Thursday for the Australian folks, and Wednesday for USA. but need to confirm this. Ofcourse, this is one and the same day... oh my, it can be confusing! Never mind, I'll make sure it's not confusing when I send it out to you.
That's all folks!
Warm regards
The Clubhouse http://marilyn-williams.com/bbs-clubhouse
1 comment:
I am not quite sure I understand what happens to the old positions that were not in the Stress Team?
I have basically spent the cash you returned paying for two positions that I have not been able to cancel
Thanks for your time
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