Friday, September 12, 2008

A Bit Of Everything

Hi Team Mates,

See above, that's Stress Free Building!

It appears I didn't give a link to the 6 lessons I've created to get a member off to a good start. You will find them at the Clubhouse, but this is the direct link. I believe you will find them very informative and helpful, and I recommend everyone go take a look and work through them one by one.

New Splash Page
Because I am no longer recommending the Benefactoring method of building your business (this doesn't mean to say you can't do it, just that I'm no longer recommending it), I need to change the Splash and Main Page to reflect this. I've been working on them yesterday and today... not quite happy yet, but will try to get it right before I release it.

Stress Free Building is still the same...
The method is still the same except for one main thing... instead of each member being asked to pay for the next member to come in, we are asking each member to pay their own way in. I still recommend working together in teams and sharing your members.

Incentive for Longevity
Carl is doing it in a bit of a different way in that he is giving them an incentive. If they pay 3 months = they get $10 towards their 4th month; 6 months = $20 for their 7th month; or 12 months in advance = they will receive another $20 for their 14th month.
I believe the company is bringing out a similar incentive within a couple of weeks, so I'm thinking we might wait and see what they offer before we jump headlong in.

We will be able to see in our genealogy exactly who has paid what, so will be interesting.
I think it will give members a more solid foundation to build their business on. Carl started advertising a few days ago and has at least 12 to 15 new members who have paid 3, 6 or 12 months in advance.

Free Hosting Service & Cheap Domain Name
One of our members has given me the link to Free Hosting. It doesn't contain any advertising on it and looks to be quite serious. He has been using the company for two years with no problems whatsoever, and he's a serious marketer.

Also, he's given me a link to where you can purchase Domain Names for just $3.99.

I'm thinking, we can use this as an added incentive for new members. We can give them the Splash Pages for free, Hosting for free, and a $3.99 Domain name! I will try to work this into the new Pages I'm making.

Credit Cards to pay your Subscription
According to the Training Call today, Credit Cards will be fully installed within PIG as of Friday/Saturday this week. A lot of people experience frustration when using Alertpay or Solid Trust Pay... or they don't have an account with them, or other reasons. It is hoped that when the Credit Cards are in properly many more people will see their way to stay in the company.

Training Calls & Lessons
I can't say how important and informative these Training Calls are. I have many members that complain they don't know how to advertise, or where to go etc, and yet these training calls are dripping with all that information.

BBS is about Education and Training. Listen to this Audio, it may help you to understand what we are about.

Really, there is no excuse, what with the many trainings happening on a daily basis within BBS, and the new Step by Step lessons I've created. The lessons will continue to grow as I've much more to share yet.

So you say you are a Passive Member...
OK guys, we are going to be addressing this. I believe you need to know that we are working very hard and want to see all members happy and contented. Something good is just around the corner... stick with us.
I made the statement that compression was going to happen a week or so ago. In future, I will be more careful to make sure that the information I'm told is really correct. I'll have to check with Mike first. They are waiting until the credit card is in place... this got help up but is almost there as stated above.

The company is giving everyone every chance to make sure they have the opportunity to pay... then it will happen. It's at the stage now that I'll be happy to see the reds removed so the rest of us can get down to the serious business of making money.

I look forward to seeing those that are committed. We will pull out every stop then! These people will form the foundation of a very large business, and as for me and my dog... we wouldn't leave for anything right now... not when we're sitting of the verge of something so huge!
There is a new Viral Advertising Site just started today. I would say anyone in on this now will stand a very good chance of getting a lot of free advertising. There is a one time payment... check out the Clubhouse website.
Google Group
We have started a new group called CountMeInPlease. Please join. We want all the members to participate in it. We are always looking for better methods of communication that we can all participate in, with email being such a pain these days. You should all be receiving an invite to the group, and anyway, you can join at the Clubhouse.
Warm regards

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