Hi everyone,
Funny title, eh? LOL
Listen, we have come up with an easy "anyone-can-do-it" advertising plan. Yes, really ANYONE and EVERYONE can do this, and needs to do this, as it will help us build our matrix… your matrix, and keep it growing until we ALL have a strong, full matrix!
What we are going to do is, AS A GROUP, advertise exactly the same page, in exactly the same places, at exactly the same times in a select group of traffic exchanges. What this will do is create a wave of the same ad being seen over and over again so that people get the message that this is REALLY HOT and it will create excitement, curiosity and sign ups!
An advertising BOMB, but in byte-sized pieces so no one gets overwhelmed!
Every WEDNESDAY, we will announce the three traffic exchanges we will BOMB for the next 7 days. We will use traffic exchanges that are listed at TrafficHoopla, which is like a giant checklist of traffic exchanges. This is so that we are all on the "same page" so to speak and we only have one page to bookmark instead of dozens.
So if you are not yet a member of traffic hoopla, sign up here:
then log in and sign up for all the traffic exchanges. First the top 5, then the next 20. These are all free to sign up, You may have to surf some pages to activate your account. Do that. Get them all activated and you also need to add to YOUR SITES in each back office, this website: http://www.teambbs.info/ This is for Team A. (Marilyn/Suzanna/Lucki/Peter Team)
Funny title, eh? LOL
Listen, we have come up with an easy "anyone-can-do-it" advertising plan. Yes, really ANYONE and EVERYONE can do this, and needs to do this, as it will help us build our matrix… your matrix, and keep it growing until we ALL have a strong, full matrix!
What we are going to do is, AS A GROUP, advertise exactly the same page, in exactly the same places, at exactly the same times in a select group of traffic exchanges. What this will do is create a wave of the same ad being seen over and over again so that people get the message that this is REALLY HOT and it will create excitement, curiosity and sign ups!
An advertising BOMB, but in byte-sized pieces so no one gets overwhelmed!
Every WEDNESDAY, we will announce the three traffic exchanges we will BOMB for the next 7 days. We will use traffic exchanges that are listed at TrafficHoopla, which is like a giant checklist of traffic exchanges. This is so that we are all on the "same page" so to speak and we only have one page to bookmark instead of dozens.
So if you are not yet a member of traffic hoopla, sign up here:
then log in and sign up for all the traffic exchanges. First the top 5, then the next 20. These are all free to sign up, You may have to surf some pages to activate your account. Do that. Get them all activated and you also need to add to YOUR SITES in each back office, this website: http://www.teambbs.info/ This is for Team A. (Marilyn/Suzanna/Lucki/Peter Team)
http://marilyn-williams.com/promo.htm This is for Team B (Marilyn's 2nd Team -I have emailed you)
NB... I have a second matrix that was already begun before the Suzanna/Lucki/Peter Team came into being)
Make sure you get the site confirmed at each exchange so you are ready to go each week when we announce the three we will be bombing.
This is the url we will all be advertising. We may redirect it to different pages from week to week, depending the angle we want to advertise, but just use this url every time: http://www.teambbs.info/ This is for Team A (Suzanna/Lucki/Peter Team)
Next, on WEDNESDAY, what you do is start surfing at the three designated exchanges. Build up as many credits as you can and make sure you ASSIGN them to your site so that the site is shown in rotation as much as possible.
All this is free, apart from your time. Please do at least 10 minutes per site and if you have additional time, as long as you can at each site to earn as many credits as possible. Maybe aim for 100 per TE…. but it’s up to you, whatever time you can afford. And if you are really crunched for time, you may consider buying credits and assigning them. Most exchanges sell credits for a few dollars, but that is up to you.
The more we get our teambuild out there, the more people will want to be a part of it. But in order not to overdo it, we will change traffic exchanges each week to a new three and just keep it going.
This is the plan and we think it will be great, but we need to know we can count on YOU to do your part! The more of us that do this, the better the result and we all benefit in the growth of our income at BBS.
Are you in? Then get started setting up your accounts and if you are a bit lost in the process, this info page may help:
http://marilyn-williams.com/bbs-traffic-exchanges . If you get stuck, let us know and we will help you out. Try and get it all done and be ready to go on WEDNESDAY 10/15, when we will announce the first 3 exchanges to AD-BOMB!
This is going to be great and it will lead to major growth, so let's ROCK!
Thank you,
Marilyn, Suzanna and Lucki
Make sure you get the site confirmed at each exchange so you are ready to go each week when we announce the three we will be bombing.
This is the url we will all be advertising. We may redirect it to different pages from week to week, depending the angle we want to advertise, but just use this url every time: http://www.teambbs.info/ This is for Team A (Suzanna/Lucki/Peter Team)
Next, on WEDNESDAY, what you do is start surfing at the three designated exchanges. Build up as many credits as you can and make sure you ASSIGN them to your site so that the site is shown in rotation as much as possible.
All this is free, apart from your time. Please do at least 10 minutes per site and if you have additional time, as long as you can at each site to earn as many credits as possible. Maybe aim for 100 per TE…. but it’s up to you, whatever time you can afford. And if you are really crunched for time, you may consider buying credits and assigning them. Most exchanges sell credits for a few dollars, but that is up to you.
The more we get our teambuild out there, the more people will want to be a part of it. But in order not to overdo it, we will change traffic exchanges each week to a new three and just keep it going.
This is the plan and we think it will be great, but we need to know we can count on YOU to do your part! The more of us that do this, the better the result and we all benefit in the growth of our income at BBS.
Are you in? Then get started setting up your accounts and if you are a bit lost in the process, this info page may help:
http://marilyn-williams.com/bbs-traffic-exchanges . If you get stuck, let us know and we will help you out. Try and get it all done and be ready to go on WEDNESDAY 10/15, when we will announce the first 3 exchanges to AD-BOMB!
This is going to be great and it will lead to major growth, so let's ROCK!
Thank you,
Marilyn, Suzanna and Lucki
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