Yes, that's right, the Magic Diamond will now cycle quicker and more often.
In it's current form (3x2) it has only paid out 50 members so far.... this was a bit too slow for the job on hand... so... they've changed it to a (2 x 2).
What will this do?
It means that you will be paid a lot faster, using just half the people! This is massive!
As soon as they change it to the 2 x 2, which they are working on immediately, it will pay out upwards of 400 members. Now that's cookin'!
Obviously, a 2 x 2 only takes 6 to fill a cycle instead of 12. Anyway, without going into heaps of details about how it works, let's just be happy that it's looking after a lot more people.
Now, the major change is that instead of being $7 to get in, now it will be $20. Before you panic... if you do the sums you will find it will pay out twice what the original one did. A little more upfront will pay out over $2,000 by the time it's through.
I will give a break down on how it all works later.
More good news is that no-one has to do a thing... NOTHING! The $7 positions will continue to cycle through, but they will take the extra $13 off the top before payment.
Once you have cycled with just 6 people, you will receive $40 paid into your PIG account. It will continue and pay you $80 a little later on.
This is fabulous news! Even to get that $40 quickly will make such a difference to a lot of members.
Just a word of advanced warning... your id's and the emails will change... but there is NOTHING you have to do.
(If there is anyone who is unhappy with the move, please simply write to Fred and he will refund you your money. There are many members who would be very happy to take over your position.)
For the past week we have been doing EasyHits4u, Hit2Hit and Traffic-Splash. This coming week, we will do WebBizInsider, BootScootinTraffic and Gold Rush. You will find all these links at the TrafficHoopla site as before.
Everytime I've been on surfing I've seen many of our pages out there. Just keep going. Let's see if we can try a little harder this week.... and if you didn't join us last week, please do so. We need to FLOOD these traffic exchanges with our page.
Just make sure you have all your credits working for you in the current TE's, but don't work them anymore.... move onto the next 3.
I wish to apologise to the members about how long it is taking to get the new Splash Pages out and the organising of the teams. Ed is working hard on a different concept for us. You see, as we go along we feel the need to make certain changes to things to get better results. This is an ever evolving business. As for me, I'd rather just settle down with one thing and that's it, but the Internet is a living, moving organism (at least that is what it feels like), and a method that worked one time, just doesn't appear to do it the next.
Every change that is made is always with the member in mind. Same with Carl and Fred... they saw the need, so they changed it. Enormously important.
Please login to the Clubhouse to find the link to the Training Room, and the 2 times it is on. You know, I have to do just as much work whether there are 2 or 20 or 200 of you in the room... so come along. It's friendly and interactive. No-one needs to leave the room with questions unanswered... unless I simply don't know! I try to make them fun and informative... so come along and learn.
You know, to really make any money on the Internet, you have to commit yourself to at least 12 months in any single program... I don't care what business you look at. Trouble is, that many don't. They jump from one program to another. Always hoping... always let down.
I want to take a moment to really thank you from the bottom of my heart because you have shown that you are the type of people that KNOW what it takes, and will stay.
We live in tough times, yes, we all know that... but we also live in the times of great opportunity.
Let me leave you with the thought "We Get What We THINK About... Predominately!"
We have a business that is just $20 per month, which over time, will create a very good income for us all. We can either RUN TO our business, or RUN FROM our business. You have obviously chosed to RUN TO!
Thank you for sticking by. We have lots more in store for you.
Warm regards
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