As you know, we were all given the opportunity to join GSD within a short window of time. Many, many folk joined, but a few people joined in incorrectly and this caused the system to crash.
Poor Carl... it was like the end of the world to him. He had worked so long and hard, and now it appeared to be falling down around his ears!
But, everything changed today. Company owners came together in a discussion, and all of them have agreed to work together very closely on this. This is absolutely wonderful news. This has taken it from just something that a team within BBS had come up with, to something that's being promoted right across BBS.
So, listen carefully to what I have to say here:
What we have now is something so much stronger and more powerful than it was before. Originally Carl and Fred came up with an idea to "pad" everyone's BBS accounts so that there would always be funds in their PIG to cover their monthly fees. What a great idea!
But, what we have now, goes so far beyond that... into something that will create multiple income streams, and all from a one off $7 fee!
Now, this is how it works. Before joining the promotion, you need to be registered with our team in BBS. If you dropped out, for whatever reason, come back now... it will be so worth it.
I had an ex-member write to me the other day saying... "I just dropped out of BBS, and here it is a day or so later and I'm joining up again... go figure!" Why did she do this? Because she wanted to be part of our Grand Slam! And so too, did a lot of other folk!
We are living in exciting times... one way and another.
Now, those that have already joined up, they paid $6 for Grand Slam, and if they wanted to, they paid $20 for Magic Diamond... but there has now been a change in the fees. It will be $7 and $21.
Why this happened is because PIG had to introduce a small fee. Mike put this in place to protect Fred and Grant (other company owners) in the event of a charge back being made. Now, I don't profess to understand the ins and outs of this (so please don't ask), but this means we will all be paying an extra $1.
If we have already joined, do we have to pay another $1? It's not totally certain at this point, but it is believed that they will waive it. I guess we will have to wait and see.
Right now, the link for joining Grand Slam is disabled. This is to allow them to do what they have to do in order to be up and running again. It's expected to take just a few days.
Once the doors re-open, the $7 and $21 fees will be in place.
Please remember that it's only necessary to join for $7, but if you want to, you can pay $21 and get yourself into Magic Diamond a little quicker.
We want you to know that BBS is the major program in this, and you DO need to be in BBS before joining the $7 program.
Write to me and ask for the BBS link you are to register under. I do have 2 matrices happening, and it's important to me that you are given the correct link. I had a matrix going BEFORE the Suzanna/Lucki/Peter team build... by way of explanation.
The other matrix that's within the $7 program is Message Magic. This is a tool you can use to contact countless skype users. I've used it just twice, and daily I still have skype users reponding to the message I sent out.. it's amazing. And, I was just using the free version at the time.
This is the only program you can join right this minute... http://www.messagemagic.net/affiliate/users/register.php?ref=1994 or you can allow the cyclers to pay your way when it gets there. Some are upgrading now, but remember it's $14.95 per month... so be wise.
So, to pull this all together (and I'm sorry it's so long)...
- For $7 (once off) you can join these cyclers and matrices, as long as you are a current member of BBS. Once you have cycled through you will have made $240 which is enough to pay 12 months in BBS, or 6 months in BBS and 6 mths in MM.
- No links are live at the moment except for the MM above.
- Everybody who has already paid will be transitioned across into the new system.
- You MUST be a BBS member to take part.
- The new system will work out even better financially than the original system we joined.
- Just 12 hours once the links are live again to get in before the "rest of the world". A couple of thousand are sitting waiting to come in as soon as the doors are opened to them. Countless thousands of others are also following.
- There are enough members to come in to keep it going 12 months plus... very strongly. It's getting VERY serious attention.
- The $7 program is "Set and Forget", so will surely suit members of a passive nature.
That's all folks...
Warm regards
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