At 9pm PST The Magic Diamond went live!
We watched it, right from the very first person going in. We watched the cycles. We watched people receiving their PAID emails. Never, have I, and anyone else actually, had such an experience.
Within 1/2 an hour of it being switched on (and they only put them thru in bunches... not on automatic yet) their were 21 people PAID. There was one man who says he had spent over $4,000 online and never made a cent. Here he was PAID!
Ofcourse, our focus must not go off BSS and onto this cycler. The cyclers are only in place to pad our PIG accounts, to allow us to continue paying our monthly fees, so we can make the real money in BBS. Fred, the owner of this, emphasised this over and over. He continually told us to keep our focus in the right place!
And ofcourse, the other program being offered is Message Magic... and what a fabulous tool that is... a skype add on tool. We can use it to make endless contacts. You don't need to go into MM if funding it is an issue to you, until you cycle. Then give it a very good consideration! It's one link for all... a complete team.
If you haven't gotten into The Magic Diamond yet, now is the time... except, you will have to wait until the site is "unsuspended". They suspended the site to allow the programmer to put all the entries into the system. Once it opens up again, that will be the time to jump in... because.... then it will open to the world. There are some very large groups waiting... a once off $7 is very attractive to everyone.
Please DO NOT try to login to TMD site as it's slows it down... let them do the work first, and we can all go look tomorrow. Thanks.
This has been SO MUCH FUN!! ha ha!
Warm regards
PS... I'm adding this because I've written everything above as if everybody does understand what is going on... so I'll back up here to stop any confusion.
1. To join this you MUST be a member of BBS.
2. Originally we all signed up for GSD (Grand Slam Daily) for $6. You could also join The Magic Diamond for $20.
3. They had to halt these programs because a few things went wrong.
4. Everyone received a refund back into their PIG account.
5. If you used STP to sign up, you were given a credit.
6. The altered the program, and in the process renamed it :-) The Magic Diamond for a one time fee of $7. No $20 entry!
7. The relaunch went ahead this morning approximately 3 1/2 hours ago from when I'm writing this.
8. You cannot sign up with TMD at the moment because the site is suspended. This is to allow the smooth running of the entries into the system.
9. Please do not go to the site at the moment as it simply slows the whole process down.
10. Get in tomorrow before they open it up to the world.
11. Many members received their PAID emails within the first 1/2 hour, although the actual payments will not be processed until tomorrow for the same reason... it would slow up the entries going in.
12. All the entries were done manually, a bunch at a time... so they could check, and recheck everything was running according to plan.
13. It will go automatic tomorrow, if not before.
14. The link to sign up is www.themagicdiamond.com, but you must be a member of BBS to do this.
15. To read and understand more of how it works please go to:
1 comment:
Hi Marilyn, We very much appreciate your positive attitude - but sometimes your enthusiasm tends to run away a little with yourself; e.g. quoting: "Within 1/2 an hour of it being switched on (and they only put them thru in bunches... not on automatic yet) their were 21 people PAID. There was one man who says he had spent over $4,000 online and never made a cent. Here he was PAID!" unqote.
What do you mean "paid?" He was not paid anything!! Yes, he did receive an acknowledgment that he had been accepted with a "paid" business center - Nothing more!
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Best wishes, Walter
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