Thursday, August 28, 2008

Time is Running Out!

Hi BBS members,

You know, BBS is absolutely bending over backwards to help everyone to get into paid status... is that you?

Have you run into a problem because of the payment processors? Some I know have found it hard now that we don't have paypal!

Adding your CC to PIG
Well, there's an easy solution for those of you who are anxious to get yourself paid up but are having troubles for some reason.

Another way it can be done right now is that first you go into PIG and add in your credit card, and then you take out a Support Ticket, authorising them to take out the monthly fees.

This method will soon be added as an option, but you can still do it the way I've mentioned above.

Please hurry and pay

The matrix is gradually having all reds removed and the necessary compression is taking place. I've just found out that the one's being removed are those that are sending in support tickets asking to be removed.

Put in a Support Ticket
If you are definitely wanting to go, please would you do that. Take out a support ticket letting them know your id # and your full name. They will remove you. We will be so sad to see you go, but hey, if that's what you want... it's been really nice knowing you :-)

Very soon, all your positions will be receiving commissions... it's just a simple matter of a bit more time. Especially for those of you using the "Stress Free" method.

If you knew what was happening behind the scenes, you wouldn't want to leave... that's for sure.

Everyone else will receive an email from the company warning that you have 7 days left. After that, it will be done automatically... one flush and all be gone.

25% Re-buy-in-Method
One method we are using to help with the building of our team is the 25% rebuyin method. This means, if you have made about $100, (profit) you need to go back in and repurchase a position under yourself. This will continue to feed the matrix.

The "Stress Free" Method
The "Stress Free" method is slowly being taken up by many individuals, as they come to understand it. This will ensure that there is always growth and will get rid of the "bottom line" syndrome.

New Tools
I've got some new tools that will help and aid in your promotions. I'm having them made to simplify the huge area of advertising, where many feel they don't know what they're doing. Almost ready to release... just got to fix up some of the French/Swedish English and we'll be ready to go. Very excited.

Warm regards

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Guess what? It's my Birthday!

Yep, I'm 21 again... and getting younger each year! Birthdays these days, tend to be a day to reflect on what I've achieved in the last year. Yes, I know, this is more of a New Year tradition, but I find more and more, it's what I do when my birthday comes on round.
Is it getting harder?
The clock is ever clicking. I think... how much better off am I this year, to last year? It's got harder to save, harder to pay the bills, and my husband is working harder than ever before... just to stay on top.
Is this hard work?
Well, I must say, I've never worked harder than I have these past couple of months. You might say, "Geez, is that what I've got ahead of me?" I'd say, not really. I've had to work hard to try and keep in front of a very large organisation of people that we built very quickly, but hey, I've never enjoyed myself so much neither! So, is it hard work? Well, sorta! Is it satisfying? You bet!
We're NOT satisified until YOU are
The leaders are looking for ways to sew back into this business, to keep it growing at a good rate. We are currently discussing ideas back and forth, but we want you to know that we will NOT be satisfied until YOU are enjoying the financial benefits that we are.
"Thank You"!
So, this is a big "Thank You" to all the members that have decided to stick with us. We know who you are (we ponder over our genealogy every day:-) ... so thanks guys.
We will direct you
We know you all went into this together as one team... wishing to benefit each and every one. We will do our very best to lead you in the direction you need to go.
Are you Passive... hey, we still need you!
If you came in as a passive person, then we need you to at least pay for your position. You received your first month free, and we are so aware of it if you are not receiving any commissions. Please give us the time we need. It will happen.
But why not learn what you can do to help!
But, if you go to my website and learn how and what we are doing to build this matrix in a quicker, more effective way, we will be ever so thankful to you for helping us out. We cannot do it alone. We need you! We need to continue to build together as one team... we are just changing the traditional way of doing it.
"Stress Free" Mini Power Lines
Please go right now and read up about building "Stress Free" Mini Power Lines. Study it... get to comprehend it... then follow my directions to contact your up and downlines... and get started. It's not hard.
Compression is happening as I write this
Even as I'm writing this, the people that haven't paid are being removed from the matrix, and it's gradually being compressed. If you rush, you can still get your position paid for, before you miss out forever.
Got a lot more to share with you in the coming days. Please bookmark this blog and come back often.

Warm regards

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Get Ready For Some Action

Solid Trust Pay
STP has been added to BBS and is ready to go as far as funding the PIG is concerned. If you use it to draw funds out, there is a little bit of a delay. BBS themselves have to get themselves verified/certified, so there is up to about 5 days delay. Once that's been attended to, it will be ready use.
Splash Page Modification
Anyone that was having the "scroll bar" effect happening on their splash pages, please download the bl2 one again. There's been a modification made to the page. I don't think it's been fixed as far as FireFox is concerned... FF uses a very simple scripting which doesn't allow for the more advanced programs.... but I can live with that. I've seen a lot of really weird pages while surfing on FF!!
New Tool
Ed is working on a really nifty tool which will be a great help for members that would like to advertise, but really feel they don't know how! I've had many emails from people crying out "help!" I'm doing the best I can, and I do encourage you to bookmark my website as I'm adding things in there all the time. I've been told it should be ready by midweek...(the tool I mean)... well, we shall see, but at least the first version of it should come out soon. We are really rushing to get this done.
When Will The Matrix Compress?
As you know, I warned that the matrix was about to compress. I was told it would happen "after Friday". Well, I guess I don't know when "after Friday" is exactly :-) It seems to me that we most probably have another week up our sleeves. It's just them getting all the programming into place which is causing the delay. Anyway, for some that would like to still pay, delay is good! But really, it could happen any day. I'm not sure if the company will send out an email about it... most probably they will, but don't quote me on it.
Trainings by Marilyn
I've had trainings at the back of my mind for some time. Some have asked me to do it. Some say I should be doing it... but, I've had so much to do that I've just thought "yeah, sometime!". Anyway, I've had Mike (the owner) onto me now... so I've made the commitment. I think I'll start in the beginning of September.... geez, not far away! I haven't worked out what times yet... maybe do 2 in a week at 2 different times to try and cater to a worldwide audience. I want these times to be interactive, practical and enjoyable. Oh, and ofcourse, I'll be using the conference room for this. I will let you know just as soon as I've got it altogether.
"Stress Free" Mini Power Lines
I'm really excited about this method of building. I've already begun it with a few members and can see how well it works. Don't know what I'm talking about? Well, I recommend you rush on over to the clubhouse and read all about it. I will be doing some updates in there, with more explanations very soon. I believe, that this will get rid of that "bottom line" syndrome... yikes, I don't like that! It will show everyone how they can have a line of members going straight down to their 6th level (you get $6.50 for a member there) at a total cost of just $3! How's that? Six members under you for only $3. Anyway, I'll put the explanation on the website.

Enough ramblings for now. Catch you soon.
Warm regards

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New Splash and Web Pages are Finally Ready... YES!

Yes, after some technical difficulties, which was really annoying me, they are finally ready to go. You will find I have a couple of small wizards that will quickly create the new pages for you. Very easy.

You will need to have, or to get, your own domain name. This is really a very simple thing to do, and I wouldn't recommend you trying to market without it. Just follow my easy instructions and you'll very soon be up and ready to go.

Get back to me if you have any problems or queries.

Good luck guys... all that's left to do is to promote them. More and more I will add to my website, where and what, you can do.

There is so much happening:

- New Splash Pages finally ready

- New "Stress Free" Method of Building now taking place

- Company getting ready to add up to 3,000 new members per month

- Wonderful Unique trainings - of a different kind

It's great to be part of such a beautiful company.

Warm regards


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Are You a Founding Member?

Red & Blue Alert!!!

Are you a Blue Member... or a Red Member?

If you are Red, ie.. in unpaid status, you will be deleted from the system within a couple of days!
The next few days are very important for everyone who is wanting to go where BBS will take them!

Please check that you are definitely in PAID STATUS... because, by mid this coming week, everyone who is in unpaid status will be permanently removed from the system.

There are many that I can see in my genealogy that have up to 2 levels filled beneath them, but they are showing as an unpaid member. How can this be? Why would someone who has money owing to them not pay? Why would someone want out this early anyway?

It makes me wonder if there is a problem they are experiencing. Please contact Support, or me, if you need something done.

I'm saying that even if you are on the bottom level (no members under you), you are still one of the founding members of BBS!

I don't know of any business that will make us a lot of money after just 30 days or so. Even if you are a "passive" member, you need to keep paying because the members above you are relying on you. When you have members under you, you will be relying on them also.

Build in TEAMS

The way I'm promoting now is that we all work together in TEAMS. Please check out my website for "Stress Free" PowerLine Building. Read it carefully. Try to comprehend. If you don't, contact me. I've had members contact me, and after I've explained the method to them a little more, they've gone off really excited. It takes the pressure of everyone.

Contact Your Upline and Downline

Follow the instructions given at my website to contact both your up and downline. One way to "wake up" a sleeping up/downline member is to have you make contact and tell them you want to work together with them. If they are fully asleep, they will be removed in the next few days... so please watch out to see if the person above you changes. If so, contact them.

Good luck everyone, we really are just about to begin :-)

Warm regards


For Education and Training:
To Keep You Informed:

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Moving Forward........

We now have Alertpay in place and ready to go, and STP is being added in even as we speak. This will make it easier for members to fund the PIG account. Our own Visa Debit Card should be ready in 4 - 5- 6 weeks... don't like putting a time on it because it usually "blows out"!

Need to update about the Benefactors' Club. Things are moving, but slowly! Either we need to advertise more, or look at the page we are advertising!

I haven't been actively advertising yet, as I'm full-time working on getting our individual Splash Pages and websites created. I had them all finished but then wanted them to reflect the PowerLine Building as explained in the last post. I've got them doing that. I know it's taking a long time and I can do nothing but apologise for that, but once I have them I think it's going to be good.

I'm also hoping to come up with an idea that will combine the Benefactoring and the PowerLine building... just haven't had the time to "look" into that properly. Feel free to write to me and share your ideas. We are all in this together and I love to talk and share ideas.

It's very important that contact is made with your newly benefactored members. Build the bridges between you. Communication is the "glue" that holds us all together.

I really need each and every one of you to attend the excellent trainings given almost daily in the conference rooms. This is what our business is all about, so we need to take advantage of them. Please check the calander on your main website.

Warm regards

Monday, August 11, 2008

How To Create Continual Growth In Our Matrix With Success For All

I want to announce a new and exciting method that we can all utilise to build strength within our matrix.

You know, the sad thing is, there is always a bottom line. How do we overcome this? How do we help those on our bottom line to get new members under them?

How do we keep the team growing with a never ending growth? Isn't this what we all want? As long as we can see continual growth we will stick around... is that not right?

Many passive members have written to me asking when they can expect to receive new members under them. This is a fairly tall order really. How can I tell them? What do I say? I don't want to give any false expectations, but I know that the growth of this business will continue and it sure will be worth their while if they will continue to pay their monthly fees.

But, what can we do... as a TEAM... to continue to build a MASSIVE TEAM?

I've given an example on my website of how if everyone would just find 3 people, in 3 weeks, that everyone would be making over $5,000 within 3 months or so. Trouble with this, is that people want to feel a part of a TEAM ... they don't want to have to do this by themselves.

So, I've thought and thought and thought!!!

I've come up with an idea that will create many, many continual mini power builds within our matrix. If each person will just commit to being a part of a 5 -6 member TEAM, and they work together... there is NO END to what can happen. I am so excited!!!

Please go to to read and get a full understanding of how it works.

Warm regards


Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Quick Update

Just a few things to update and point the way!

1. The Payment Processors are coming along... just need to give a little time so that Ben the programmer can get everything in working order.

2. The Splash Pages are almost finished. I saw the pages last night but requested a few changes be made. Will have them really soon now.

3. Have you been to my website to see the charts I've put there on how to grow your matrix? It's just an idea, and really it won't exactly work out that way... but it does give people something to work towards. What I like about it is that it will quickly get you down deep (for good compensation and stability), as you are going wide. Any questions please contact me by email or skype.

4. This month appears to be a month of "sorting out". Sorting out of the Pay Processors, new members etc. I'm basically caught up now and spending some time trying to get information out to all the new members to encourage them and show them what they need to do. So, a lot of time working on my website, organising email addresses and working out the Splash Page issue. I'm really excited about where this is going to take us... together.

5. There are many people showing up as red in the genealogy. These are the people that haven't paid their subscription. I'm finding out there are many, many reasons why this is so, most of which is a misunderstanding of what's required with PIG. It's made all the more difficult just at the moment with the changes re other pay processors. We need to exercise a little patience and understanding, and please check my website to see how to fund the PIG.

6. I'm continually updating my website so please check it out. Starting to add some advertising ideas and ways to go about building your matrix. You need to attend some of the excellent trainings being given nearly every day of the week, several times a day. All different trainers, all different subjects. Anyone, who is in the least bit serious about building their business, need to attend some of these meetings.

7. Also, Carl has his ebook called "Downline Magnet" which sells for about $50 on the Internet. It's packed full of great info and helps, and full of graphics. As a member of BBS, you are entitled to a free copy, so please write to including your full name and BBS id#.

Warm regards
Skype: "selmartre"

Friday, August 8, 2008

Has Funding the Piggy Bank Been Difficult Lately?

There's been a bit of rough water as people have either gone to make a deposit or withdrawal from PIG.

This is how I understand it... if any of my information is wrong I will correct it once I've been corrected... but...

There were so many members using their credit cards to fund PIG that the automatic software in paypal shut it all off.

On consultation with paypal, management decided that paypal would have to go!

I can hear many of you shouting "hallelujah!!!!!"

But, then I hear others saying "Oh no!

How does the company ever win?

Oh well, they have immediately taken the necessary steps to bring on AlertPay and Solid Trust Pay. You will also be able to use wire transfer... and I believe credit cards.

Please do not be concerned over your subscription if it has come up and you are unable to fund it immediately. The company is aware of the problem ofcourse, so let's allow them time they need to pull it all together.

If you have tried to make a transaction and it come up with a strange message... well, now you know why.

So, we will all be patient and understanding.

Thanks very much.

Warm regards

Adding a message from Carl...

Over the last week, we have had so many members joining that Paypal's system actually shut us down due to too many credit card transactions. There system has an anti-fraud prevention system coded in and when too many credit card trans actions happen over the course of a short time, the shut down the recipient.

We, we cannot afford to have any delays as our program is so explosive, Diamond Elite has now added SolidTrustPay and Alertpay as the 2 newest processors for members to join with. Each of these companies also have chargeback protection so both Diamond Elite and its members will be protected.

SolidTrustPay also has a Visa/Debit card so you will be able to get your commissions immediately upon transfer. This is going to make many members very happy.

Pay It Global is also in the middle of getting their own Visa/Debit card as well and that should be in place in the next 4-5 weeks.

You will also be able to pay by wire transfer and soon, direct deposit with credit cards.

You will be able to withdraw your money with SolidTrustPay, AlertPay, Company Check and Wire Transfer.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Benefactors' Club Has Begun!

The Benefactor's Club has been put together to aid those that feel it's time to do their computer's in!

Well, not really... but it is happening as a very real option for some of our members who feel they could do with the help.

Quite a number have joined this past week.

At this moment, I'm actually doing the placing of the new members, but as it gets busier I will have someone else doing this for me.

Let's have a look at how this works... Everyone in the Benefactors' Club is expected to advertise a common link that will feed across all the members. No-one needs to know who comes in from their advertising, so it takes the pressure off those that feel they are no good when it comes to sponsoring new members. It is being done as a TEAM within the TEAM.

I will be (I haven't done so yet) supplying ideas for the members in the way of advertising, and all I ask is that they do it faithfully.

Everyone will be kept informed how it's going right here in this Blog.

Tonight, I was able to get out the urls for them to use, and each new Benefactoring Member will receive this as they join.

The website explains how it all works... and it's recommended that anyone considering doing this as an option, read the rules first.

I am allocating 3 new members to each person, just the same way as the company does it. This means that when I start on your url, I stay there until I've given you 3 before moving onto the next one.

Things have been a little slow to start with because there has been so much to do to set it up... but many have already responded and now the advertising will begin. I need to work hard on preparing the advertising for those that are not accustomed to doing it.

Well, good luck everyone, let's do our very best. Our aim is to cover the cost of everyone's membership this month... so let's go!!!

Warm regards