Sunday, August 24, 2008

Get Ready For Some Action

Solid Trust Pay
STP has been added to BBS and is ready to go as far as funding the PIG is concerned. If you use it to draw funds out, there is a little bit of a delay. BBS themselves have to get themselves verified/certified, so there is up to about 5 days delay. Once that's been attended to, it will be ready use.
Splash Page Modification
Anyone that was having the "scroll bar" effect happening on their splash pages, please download the bl2 one again. There's been a modification made to the page. I don't think it's been fixed as far as FireFox is concerned... FF uses a very simple scripting which doesn't allow for the more advanced programs.... but I can live with that. I've seen a lot of really weird pages while surfing on FF!!
New Tool
Ed is working on a really nifty tool which will be a great help for members that would like to advertise, but really feel they don't know how! I've had many emails from people crying out "help!" I'm doing the best I can, and I do encourage you to bookmark my website as I'm adding things in there all the time. I've been told it should be ready by midweek...(the tool I mean)... well, we shall see, but at least the first version of it should come out soon. We are really rushing to get this done.
When Will The Matrix Compress?
As you know, I warned that the matrix was about to compress. I was told it would happen "after Friday". Well, I guess I don't know when "after Friday" is exactly :-) It seems to me that we most probably have another week up our sleeves. It's just them getting all the programming into place which is causing the delay. Anyway, for some that would like to still pay, delay is good! But really, it could happen any day. I'm not sure if the company will send out an email about it... most probably they will, but don't quote me on it.
Trainings by Marilyn
I've had trainings at the back of my mind for some time. Some have asked me to do it. Some say I should be doing it... but, I've had so much to do that I've just thought "yeah, sometime!". Anyway, I've had Mike (the owner) onto me now... so I've made the commitment. I think I'll start in the beginning of September.... geez, not far away! I haven't worked out what times yet... maybe do 2 in a week at 2 different times to try and cater to a worldwide audience. I want these times to be interactive, practical and enjoyable. Oh, and ofcourse, I'll be using the conference room for this. I will let you know just as soon as I've got it altogether.
"Stress Free" Mini Power Lines
I'm really excited about this method of building. I've already begun it with a few members and can see how well it works. Don't know what I'm talking about? Well, I recommend you rush on over to the clubhouse and read all about it. I will be doing some updates in there, with more explanations very soon. I believe, that this will get rid of that "bottom line" syndrome... yikes, I don't like that! It will show everyone how they can have a line of members going straight down to their 6th level (you get $6.50 for a member there) at a total cost of just $3! How's that? Six members under you for only $3. Anyway, I'll put the explanation on the website.

Enough ramblings for now. Catch you soon.
Warm regards

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